Pearls of Wisdom I receive by going within and asking.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Body Never Lies

When my body speaks, I listen. The body never lies. When it acts out in uncomfortable ways, I know I am out of alignment with my own truth and it is time to take note. I love how reliable my body is in keeping me attuned to the errors of my thinking. When I go too far astray, cultivating and believing thoughts which aren't bringing me peace, I can always count on my body to react and let me know. If I listen to the minor discomforts and take action to correct my thinking, the discomfort goes away. If I don't listen, the minor discomforts turn into more major discomforts and if I ignore those, I may find myself with dis-ease. I listen! This is not to say I am at fault if something sneaks up on me and I find myself ill. It's neither good nor nor bad, yet a gift showing me something I can inquire into for greater self awareness.

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About Me

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My purpose and vision is to live an authentically responsible life in alignment with my True Self, joyfully expressing my creative nature, nurturing and fostering a heart alive with wonder and awe. Meditation, tai chi, self-inquiry, reflection, therapy, and an extensive reading of Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, have helped me to develop a serious commitment to living in the moment in peace and joy. Through my persistent questioning regarding troublesome aspects of my own life, I have cultivated effective techniques to guide myself in learning how to recognize, examine and transform the beliefs I hold that cause suffering in my life. Love, gratitude, and surrender to what is, is the key to living a life in flow.
